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 Following are some of our programmes:





It is estimated that around 40 % of the workforce in India suffer from occupational stress. The WHO study also indicates that stress in its manifestations like heart diseases, blood pressure, ulcers, asthma, and chronic depression could become number one killer in the world.


The Stress releasing Workshop is based on the mind body connection of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It is aimed at revitalizing the body and mind by shedding the accumulated stress, and energizing the entire system for a rejuvenated self.


The workshop is recommended for the task accomplishing, hardworking professionals, and executives of the corporate world.


Based on the eastern thoughts, body healing music and the resonating effect of music on the body the workshop aims at freeing the individuals from the clutches of unproductive stress through self-awareness.


This is a one-day workshop where people are made to become aware of the functional and dysfunctional stress. The workshop helps people to use the functional stress to achieve the excellence and eliminate the dysfunctional stress 


Course Methodology:


                        The whole course is designed in a creative and participative style. All the concepts are derived through various types of games with involvement of the body to enhance the awareness of self.


Course Content:

1.      Working of the brain, perceptions, maps, reality, distortion, deletion and distortions.

2.      Emotions and energy. How to use these effectively to achieve the desired goals.

3.      Reframing the situations and how to look into situations as the challenges to grow.

4.      Problems- Blame frame and outcome frame.

5.      Mind body connection.

6.      Meditation and kinisiology.







Recent research shows that more and more people are using a narrow spectrum of their perceptive senses. With effect many details are either missed from their perception or an unconscious deletion takes place in their accessing the sensory cues. With so much visual data impinging on the brain people slowly and steadily are ignoring the other sensory informations. As a result the communication gets effected. Which in turn distorts the relationships and effective organizational functioning.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has come as a big help for humans to become aware of this phenomenon, and rectify the fading accuracy of accessing information. The path breaking NLP techniques have come as a big help to take corrective measures to deepen the relationships and vitalize the functioning by improving the sensory perceptions.

“Eye for the Details ” is a day’s programme where participants are made aware of the sensory powers like visual, auditory, and kinesthetic and the functioning of the brain. The programme also focuses on developing the sharpness of various senses and effective utilization of voice and body language in communication.


Programme Content:


1.      Functining of the brain and human modeling processes.

2.      Map formation in the mind and expression of this map.

3.      Meta model: questioning techniques to understand the other person’s world.

4.      Eye accessing cues.

5.      Voice and breathing.

6.      Calibration, pacing and leading.

7.      Communication.








Excellence has a structure. It can be taught and learnt.

Neuro Linguistic Programming has proved and demonstrated it; thus radically revising the idea of personal growth and capabilities. NLP is called magic due to its quickness and effectiveness, and with. NLP techniques change becomes easy and effortless. The well established mind body connection has helped many people to be free, flexible happy and achieve excellence effortlessly by just reprogramming their mind.

The NLP based personal growth laboratory was conceived and implemented to achieve happiness and inner freedom. This is group based learning and growing experience, in which an individual achieves clarity of thought, focus, purpose and direction through well structured learning experiences. The synergy of the group is utilised to hasten the awareness so that the individual has time and data to clarify and evaluate ones own life programs. This awareness powerfully guides the person to build on his/her strengths and change towards more choices, options, happiness and inner freedom.

Duration of the programme: This is a residential programme scheduled for three days and nights and is isolated from the routine.

Number of participants: Ten to fourteen participants per group

The basic requirement for the programme: An open mind to grow, and a desire to be happy in life.


  • Realised the strengths and resources.
  • Redefined the personal goals and dreams.
  • Became aware of their creative energy and started using it in day to day life situations.
  • Enjoyed and contributed by becoming effective and committed team members.
  • Acquired effective interpersonal skills to sustain human relationships.
  • Expanded individual horizons by accomplishing goals.
  • Achieved flexibility in thinking and acting.
  • Managed different types of stress.
  • Became creative and resourceful in facing challenging situations.
  • Started relating meaningfully with family members and colleagues.
  • Started using the time effectively by planning .
  • Became more capable in understanding and managing emotions.
  • Became free from past hurts, wounds and crippling feelings.
  • Able to handle grief comfortably.
  • Got cure for phobias and allergies.
  • General health condition improved drastically.
  • Started wearing a smile.
  • Got rid of many negative feelings.



All qualified persons are not necessarily employable people. Hence there is a need to make our young people excel in various skills to make them creative and dynamic. 

Personality and leadership development programme is conceived and designed to cater to the young people –Young executives, young entrants to the organization or young people doing their final degree course. This programme is intended to make them to get focused to their goal by making them creative and dynamic .The programme creates an environment to make the participants to become aware of their strengths and resources so that they move towards excellence in whatever they do . The programme focuses on communication skills which will help them to understand their communication style and to strengthen or change it, by suitably reprogramming their lives. The programme also covers goal setting, decision making and leadership interventions which would help them to enhance their level of  competence and make them confident people to face the challenging situations.

Course Methodology:

The entire course is based on active participative and experiential learning methods based on games, role-plays, and structured exercises. These exercises are designed to maintain the high energy level suitable for young people.

Course duration:   Minimum of three days

Number of participants: Maximum number of participants is 36.



Realised the strengths and resources.
Achieved self confidence and enthusiasm.
Acquired public speaking ability by shedding off stage fear.
Redefined the personal goals and dreams.
Became aware of their creative energy and started using it in day to day life situations.
Enjoyed and contributed by becoming effective and committed team members.
Acquired effective interpersonal skills to sustain human relationships.
Expanded individual horizons by accomplishing goals.
Achieved flexibility in thinking and acting.
Managed different types of stress.
Became creative and resourceful in facing challenging situations.
Started relating meaningfully with family members and colleagues.
Started using the time effectively by planning.
Became more capable in understanding and managing emotions.
Became free from past hurts, wounds and crippling feelings.
Able to handle grief comfortably.
Felt comfortable in facing the seniors
Shed many fears.
Gained self confidence.
Became enthusiastic and started thinking positively.
Started handling conflicts comfortably.



Human growth always throws up many challenges. Some people will be able to negotiate the challenges of life effectively, but some find it difficult. They describe their situation as problematic. Problem state is a stuck state and it is possible to come out of it by looking into various options available. The process of counselling is a process of energizing a person, so that, the person will be able to see clearly, various options available in any context.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers an effective way to come out of any stuck state. Using the power of the brain one can see many choices available in any problematic situation. And with the NLP exercises one can be helped out of problematic situation.

This training is a basic course in couselling, at the end of which the participants will be able to enter in to a helping relationship and will be able to help people out of the problematic situations. This will also help them to enhance their people management skills.

Duration of the course:

            The course consists of theory and practical sessions and the participants have to practice the skills gained during the training, and, submit the cases handled in writing. The entire course is of eleven day module  with a three day practical laboratory  session

Course Content:

1. Left and Right brain, How the brain gathers information and forms the map of the model of the world, the process of generalization, deletion and distortion.

2. Meta model questions to unearth the map of a person and help the person to understand the process of thinking. Method of collecting the information about the world of a person and help the person to think of the options.

3. Emotions and emotional intelligence and how to use the emotions effectively.

4. Developmental stages of growth of a human being according to Eric Erickson.

5. Understanding a person, listening and responding, communication and response in a communication.

6. Calibration techniques –pacing and leading –how to understand a person by listening to the body.

7. Eye scanning and use of the eyes in communication.

8. Importance of the voice in communication and understanding a person by listening to the voice variations.

9. Anchoring techniques-how to change the personal history.

10.Beliefs and effects of the beliefs on the person-how to change the beliefs of a person.

11.How to handle conflicts, and anger management.

12.How to handle depression, grief, stress, phobia, and low self esteem.




What is NLP?



Neuro Linguistic Programming is a simple, skillful method for studying what goes on inside a person (subjective experience). NLP deals with the processes people use to build their unique, distinctive maps or models of the world. NLP gives a practical and dependable method for developing and expanding those maps so that a person develops more choices and becomes truly autonomous.  As a result effective communication can become a matter of conscious choice. In general NLP explains how brain works, how human beings think, feel, learn, motivate themselves, interact with others, make choices and achieve realistic goals.


“Excellence has a structure, It can be taught and learnt ” Neuro Linguistic Programming has proved and demonstrated it; thus radically revising the idea of personal growth and capabilities. NLP is called magic due to its quickness and effectiveness, and with. NLP techniques change becomes easy and effortless. The well-established mind body connection has helped many people to be free, flexible, happy and achieve excellence effortlessly by just reprogramming their mind.






To equip Participants with Knowledge and skills of Neuro Linguistic Programming., enabling them to be self-reliant in handling various challenges in their lives, and ensuring transformation and growth in all areas of life.


Programme outcomes:


·                                 Exploration and deeper inner awareness,

·                                 Healing, transformation and integration of all faculties within,

·                                 Building powerful resources for the future.

·                                 Building powerful rapport and communication.

·                                 Enriching the inter and interpersonal relationship.. 



Choice of NLP:


NLP supports transformation by:

·                                 Providing a framework for development and change,

·                                 Accelerating the learning and awareness process,

·                                 Equipping with tools to handle limitation and resistance to growth,

Using whole brain approach and working at conscious and unconscious levels, and making change easy.

Results have proven that NLP is highly effective in creating fast, long lasting, and holistic changes and development in one’s life. NLP processes lead to continuous learning and growth.


The course does not give a prescriptive answer. Rather it will equip you with the necessary skills to evolve answers specific to your situation. The basic course in NLP gives you a set of tools and methodologies that will enable you to make more useful choices in every situation and to be on the path of mastery of your capabilities.


During this course you will learn how to:


·         Sharpen sensory acuity, enlarging your ability to pay attention to details,

·         Develop flexibility of behavior to vary your approach in order to accomplish     desired outcome,

·         Develop resourceful and high performance states,

·         Identify of states that are most conducive to learning and personal development,

·         Look for newer and more creative approaches to life’s challenges,

·         Model what works,

·         Change your feelings, emotions or behaviors at will,

·         Communicate precisely and effectively,

·         Balance right and left brain faculties,

·         Build new pathways and empowering beliefs, and

·         Expand your choices.





   (Build a Strong Team)


       Excellence has a structure

             It can be taught and learnt.


This is a team building one-day programme to achieve the following objectives.





  1. To stimulate the right brain to enhance the creativity.
  2. To enable participants to bond as a performing team.
  3. To enable the participants to know their strengths and to get recharged to work with enthusiasm
  4. To relax and have lots of fun.
  5. To help the participants interact with energy thus vitalizing their relationships.



The programme is completely based on learning activities leading to experiences among the participants, which helps them to function as an effective team. All the experiences are analysed and learnings elicited. The participants will also get motivated to iron out any feeling, which acts as a block in day today work situations.
